Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme
Wallach Art Gallery • New York • 2024
Pedestal, customised moving head, omni-directional speaker and dmx controller
Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme melds recordings of the artist’s sleep-talking with synthetically generated alarm sounds ranging from birdsong to sirens. These sounds are projected into the room via an ultrasonic loudspeaker mounted on a rotating moving head robot.
Whether it’s a bird call or a siren, alarms resonate deeply with the individual identity. Each reaction reflects on a personal experience, trauma or memory shaping a profile that can be complex to decipher. Similarly, the sound of a voice while asleep is an artefact of processing our daily lives, embodying the unpredictable in-between state of mind.
The installation creates a paradox by inviting participants to be awakened through an alarm while embracing the vulnerability of the subconscious mind. The sounds projected throughout the space by the rotating speaker act as both spectre and choreography, amplifying the ephemeral moments of self-awareness in the present.